I bought this Nebula Quilt of the month by Jaybird Quilts at the start of Covid It has been calling my name from the closet for the past year I finally finished the quilt top and I hope to not see another diamond in a long time.
Karla Milota
Free reading from your library
I borrowed this book from the Libby library online system for ebooks. It was randomly picked by me but ended up being in part about a button factory on Lake Michigan. It was a pretty good read as it reminded me of our speaker at our annual meeting this year.
Karla Milota

Write a comment
Marie Strong (Monday, 26 December 2022 13:02)
Karla, your quilt is gorgeous!
Kathy G (Monday, 26 December 2022 13:03)
Karla, your quilt is stunning! You finish it AND read a good book!�
Karen Neal (Monday, 26 December 2022 13:31)
Great job Karla. It’s beautiful. I’ve been avoiding that one, too many triangles. �. Who knows - maybe one day. Thanks for the read too.
Phyllis Costa (Monday, 26 December 2022 13:54)
Karla your quilt turned out beautiful. A good place to cozy up under with a good book.
Jean (Tuesday, 27 December 2022 07:34)
Really beautiful quilt. Book sounds interesting too.
Edy Frazier (Tuesday, 27 December 2022 08:27)
Love the quilt!
Lois (Tuesday, 27 December 2022 09:39)
Great job on the quilt. It is beautiful